Paul Watson, president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, co-founder of Greenpeace and one of the originators of direct action environmentalism, has been arrested in the Netherlands by order of the Norwegian Government. Norway has 20 days to request extradition.


  • In 1992, Norway announced its intention to return to the commercial slaughter of whales despite the International Whaling Commission's ban on whaling, declared in 1986. Sea Shepherd announced that it would act to enforce the ban on whaling as well as international treaties protecting endangered wildlife.

  • On October 4th, 1993, US President Clinton announced that he would not enforce a mandated US embargo against Norway.

  • On May 31st, 1994, Sea Shepherd's Paul Watson and Lisa Distefano were convicted in absentia by a Norwegian court on the charge of sinking an illegal Norwegian whaing vessel dockside in 1992. No summons was issued to the defendants. Watson and Distefano offered to appear if the Norwegian Government would guarantee their safety or agree to a change of venue from the Lofoten Islands district of Norway, a source of numerous death threats against them. The request was ignored and the trial was held without the defendants present. (Norway's current extradition warrant claims Watson and Distefano personally sank the vessel, but the Lofoten District Court Record notes, "the two accused were not in the country and could not take direct part.").

  • In July 1994, off the northern coast of Norway, the Sea Shepherd whale conservation vessel Whales Forever was rammed by the Norwegian coastguard, fired on twice and four depth charges were detonated under the hull by Norwegian commandos. Norway accused Watson of ramming their vessel. They failed to serve papers on the charges and abandoned the case in October 1996.

  • Last year Norway's pro-whaling Prime Minister formally handed over the reins of power to her successor, Tor Jageland. For the last several months the High North Alliance, a Scandanavian wise-use group, has been steadily lobbying the Norwegian Government to extradite and gaol Watson and Distefano. This is an election year in Norway and the un-elected Prime Minister Jageland desperately needs the support of the politically powerful northern coastal districts - home of the whaling industry.

  • On March 31st, while supervising the transfer of a Sea Shepherd ship in preperation for a campaign against illegal driftnetiing in the Mediterranean, Paul Watson was arrested by harbour police in the German port of Bremerhaven acting on Norway's Interpol warrant. German authorities chose not to extradite him and he was released. Three days later, Paul was arrested again by Dutch police in Amsterdam. At a preliminary hearing held on the 3rd of April, Judge Toeter of the Haarlem District Court ordered Paul Watson to be held for 20 days to allow Norway to make an extradition request.

  • DO NOT MISTAKE IT:- IF PAUL WATSON IS EXTRADITED TO NORWAY HE WILL DIE IN PRISON. Norway is going after the only real threat to their plans for a vastly increased whale slaughter. Their stockpile of Minke blubber is enormous, they are trying to change CITES regulations so they can export it. They want the pressure taken off. They want Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd gone forever. Paul Watson has been getting direct death threats from Norwegians and Norway will not guarantee his safety inside Norway.

    RELATED ARTICLES: Charges dismissed | Won't go to Norway | Personal statement

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